You know that feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio? I have that feeling every second of my life. I live and breath music. Weather I'm making it, listening to it, or writing it, everyday of my life is spent dedicated to music. You wouldn't know just from looking, but I front a hardcore band and attend concerts on a weekly basis. It's gotten to the point where I got a job just to support my music habits. Music is a big part of my life and making music is an even bigger part. My instrument of choice is a microphone, and I think that a microphone best represents me as a person. Microphones can be loud, expressive, and useful when they are turned on. However, when they are off they are silent. I am the exact same way, when I am around my friends I am loud and express myself, however, when I'm around people I don't know I am silent, just like the unplugged mic. In some situations I am loud and outgoing, but in most situations I am quiet and withdrawn. Microphones spend the majority of their time unplugged and waiting for the next gig and that's how I spend my life. I spend the weeks waiting for my next show to come around.
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