Wednesday, January 30, 2013

USA Today Snapshot

Every time I tried to view the snapshot it showed this error and wouldn't load the statistics. I'll try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Internet Persona

I find myself recently only using Facebook to promote my band so I think a couple ethos could be drawn from the fact that my posts are purely dedicated to my music. I think people can see that I am dedicated, serious, and in a way professional. However, the ethos that my Twitter portray are very different. In person I am usually pretty shy unless I'm around my friends so I tend to tweet what I'm thinking mostly. I'd like to think the stuff I post is usually funny, mostly in a sarcastic way. I think people could draw a pretty good conclusion of who I am solely off of reading my tweets. I tend to tweet about my friends and family as well. All in all, I think on the internet I portray the humorous, caring, kind person that I am in person. However, with my style of dark, sarcastic humor, I could see people drawing negative ethos from how I am on the internet as well.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Light Up vs. Drink up

               This image has taken the good old, cliche made by marijuana enthusiasts, "Marijuana is illegal and isn't bad for you but beer is legal and kills people blah blah blah." and put it into a little story line form, trying to make the argument that beer kills and pot makes people see rainbows and smile. The image has two short story lines, one involving a group of friends smoking pot and it's outcome and a group of friends drinking beer and it's final outcome.
                The first group of friends is shown smoking pot on a couch, with a poster if Bob Marley on the wall, which plays at the sad fact that most middle school and high school students only know  Bob Marley for his use of marijuana. It also shows the group sitting on a couch watching TV with an empty pizza box on the ground, obviously representing the side effects of pot, known as the munchies. The end result of their group marijuana use is supposed to represent how one feels when being high, but in my opinion looks like some sort of Satanic psychedelic trip. All in all, the time line is supposed to show that when you smoke pot you eat pizza and see rainbows and are safe on your couch.
                 The second timeline shows the same group of friends sitting on the same couch with a beer poster on the wall, drinking beer. It then shows the group in a car driving down the street at night, obviously representing the problem our nation has with drinking and driving. The final result of them having a beer on the couch is shown as the group scattered around the road with the car set aflame. This represents the often result of drunk driving, an accident.
                  Underneath the two timelines is the sentence, "Can you guess which on is legal?" This sentence plays at the fact that marijuana is illegal and leads to "happiness" when beer is legal and leads to "death." This image uses humor to represent a serious problem and all in all is trying to prove that weed is okay and beer is dangerous when in reality, both suck equally.

Monday, January 21, 2013

1,2,3 check check check

You know that feeling you get when your favorite song comes on  the radio? I have that feeling every second of my life. I live and breath music. Weather I'm making it, listening to it, or writing it,  everyday of my life is spent dedicated to music. You wouldn't know just from looking, but I front a hardcore band and attend concerts on a weekly basis. It's gotten to the point where I got a job just to support my music habits. Music is a big part of my life and making music is an even bigger part. My instrument of choice is a microphone, and I think that a microphone best represents me as a person. Microphones can be loud, expressive, and useful when they are turned on. However, when they are off they are silent. I am the exact same way, when I am around my friends I am loud and express myself, however, when I'm around people I don't know I am silent, just like the unplugged mic. In some situations I am loud and outgoing, but in most situations I am quiet and withdrawn. Microphones spend the majority of their time unplugged and waiting for the next gig and that's how I spend my life. I spend the weeks waiting for my next show to come around.