Wednesday, March 6, 2013

For Drug Users, a Swift Response Is the Best Medicine

Ben W. Joseph was a trial judge in the Chittenden County Criminal Court, in Vermont, and he had a problem — one shared by judges across the country that results in billions of dollars of wasteful spending by governments every year. It was 2008, and substance abuse was soaring, particularly among young people whose drugs of choice were pharmaceuticals like OxyContin, a highly addictive pain killer that has an effect similar to heroin but is much easier to obtain. Each month in his Burlington courtroom, Joseph saw defendants who’d been arrested for drug-related offenses — from driving while heavily intoxicated to stealing to feed an OxyContin habit (an 80-milligram pill can cost $100 on the street).
Joseph saw how their lives spiraled out of control and created havoc for others. “I was seeing people who had drug and alcohol related charges come back over and over again,” he recalled. As the drug use intensified, so did criminality. “When people have serious alcohol and drug problems, it won’t take long before they’re stealing from their grandparents.” And when the pill market got tight, drug dealers pushed out more heroin.
What the defendants needed more than punishment was treatment. But delays in the justice system and lack of coordination with social service agencies meant that opportunities to intervene were regularly missed. Between a defendant’s arrest and trial, a case can drag on for a year or more.

One of the dawning recognitions in law enforcement and substance abuse intervention is that time is of the essence. The swiftness of a consequence is often more important than its severity. But while the mills of justice grind away, the immediacy is lost: feelings of shame, guilt and worry that can motivate change get buried and forgotten.
In the fall of 2008, through a chance phone call, Joseph was put in touch with Annie Ramniceanu, associate executive director of clinical programs for Spectrum Youth & Family Services, an organization in Burlington with a reputation for high-quality, substance abuse treatment and counseling. Ramniceanu knew that one of the critical factors in rehabilitation was “time to treatment.” “If people are given access to a solution quickly — ideally within 72 hours — the outcomes change pretty dramatically towards the positive,” she explained.
Together, she and Joseph devised an approach called Rapid Referral. Under Vermont bail laws, judges have the power, at the time of arraignment, to require defendants to participate in treatment programs if it’s necessary to protect the public or ensure that defendants appear at future court proceedings. Judges rarely take advantage of these laws early on, however; they usually wait for trial.
Joseph and his law clerk, Naomi Almeleh, drafted an order that would require select defendants in low-level, drug-related cases to undergo an evaluation to determine if treatment was appropriate. If it came back affirmative, treatment would be required for release. This kind of “bench referral” early in a person’s engagement with the justice system is unusual. The order guaranteed confidentiality and prohibited the use of information gathered during evaluations to be used against defendants. Those who completed treatment could expect reduced sentences; those charged with driving while intoxicated could use the counseling to satisfy requirements to get their driver’s license reinstated.
Ramniceanu worked closely with the court to implement the program, reserving slots at Spectrum, which serves youths up to age 23, to ensure immediate intake. (Older defendants were referred to HowardCenter, another program that provides substance abuse and mental health treatment.) “The key was offering sticks and carrots and compressing everything to provide a compact experience and rapid response,” explained Ramniceanu. “If the judge got the defendant to agree to treatment, they were given a map with little footprints leading them right to our door.” At both Spectrum and Howard, 95 percent of defendants showed up.
Rapid Referral doesn’t involve bureaucracy or additional costs. The treatment is covered by Medicaid, private insurance or, in a minority of cases, by a federal grant (which is now in danger of being a casualty of budget cuts). Spectrum employs a well-tested protocol called MET/CBT5 (Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). The treatment is concentrated; many youths respond to six weekly sessions; others need 12 or more. For homework, they’re asked to write about their substance use. They have to undergo weekly urinalysis and continue counseling until they “sample sobriety.”
“We try to open up some discrepancy between the ironclad story they’re telling about their life and have them consider the possibility of something different,” explains Ramniceanu.
In retrospect, it seems merely logical: where drugs are the problem, why not expedite treatment rather than waiting a year? It’s the sort of instant referral that companies like do a million times a day. (If you’re charged with this crime, then click on this program…)
“Lots of people who show up in court are not even thinking of taking steps to change,” explained Bob Wolford, Coordinator of Criminal Justice Programs at HowardCenter. “What the judge does by offering them an assessment appointment right from the bench often gets them in motion.”
This June, researchers from the Vermont Center for Justice Research published an evaluation of Rapid Referral. Of 171 participants who went through Spectrum’s program since early 2009, the recidivism rate was just 18.7 percent. For a follow-up evaluation published this October, researchers generated a test control group of 394 people (selected from 14,000 whose criminal records closely matched those of program participants). They found that the recidivism rate among the control group was 84.3 percent. Many people were amazed.
People who know about treatment, including Joseph, were less surprised. Indeed, one of the hidden stories about substance abuse treatments was how effective, and cost-effective, it can be for reducing crime (pdf).Investments in evidence-based programs pay off in savings on things like police and court costs, emergency room visits and foster care expenses (to say nothing of easing the emotional pain of families and victims).
Read previous contributions to this series.
But treatment is the exception. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between a half and two-thirds of inmates in prisons or jails have an alcohol or drug dependence, yet only 7 to 17 percent receive treatment while imprisoned. Each year, some 650,000 inmates are released; many will relapse. When you consider the costs of probation or incarceration — $50,000 or $60,000 a year per inmate in Vermont — it’s hard to justify.
One of the program’s supporters is Michael Schirling, who has been Burlington’s police chief for five years. “What frustrates police officers most is having to go out and deal with the same thing over and over,” he explained. “They’re interested in a meaningful intervention that can stop the cycle of deterioration that somebody may be experiencing.” Rapid Referral is ideal for low-level offenders, he said. The key, he added, is selecting the right cases for intervention.
Despite its effectiveness, the program does have detractors. Some attorneys see it as an infringement on their clients’ rights, but the tougher obstacle is institutional inertia. In 2010, Joseph retired after 12 years on the bench. Since then, Schirling has observed that fewer defendants are being sent through the program. “What we had with Judge Joseph was a person who had institutionalized the process but it wasn’t yet part of the fabric of how the system worked everyday. That’s what the folks at the state level are trying to do now — get it replicated on an ongoing basis.” Schirling is hopeful that the recent evaluation will galvanize this process.
“If the judiciary can make referrals early, rather than waiting for cases to be fully adjudicated before someone gets assistance,” he says, “you will create outcomes that are better for individuals, the legal system and the community.” Joseph adds: “Treatment works to prevent crimes. Today, the costs are just staggering and this is something the judiciary can do to help.”

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Dangerous Myth of Grade Inflation

After reading Kohn's writing, I found myself very confused on what he was trying to say. He basically had a circular argument and I found it to be very ineffective. First, he takes about how grade inflation isn't real. However, he then goes and talks about how if it was real, it would be a good thing, which takes away from his first argument. By the end of the article, he made at least 4 differ arguments, which were all very strong, but in the end, made his original argument weak and flawed.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Sorry it's up so late, I just figured out my whole password problem.

1. Give two examples of evidence you might use to support an argument that appeals to logos. (5 pts.)
 To support and argument that appeals to logos, I would use facts that are backed by a reputable source and statistics.

2. Which statements are unequivocal examples of hard evidence? For those which are not, explain why not. (2 pts. each)

a. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
No, the example isn't clear enough. If it had said, "An apple a day makes you healthier, which in turn keeps you from getting sick and visiting the doctor." it would be better.
b. Drunk drivers are involved in more than 50% of traffic deaths.

c. A psychologist testified that teenage violence could not be blamed on video games.
No, only one psychologist testified it, it doesnt mean that every psychologist feels this way.

d. DNA tests of skin samples found under the victim's fingernails suggest that the defendant was responsible for the assault.

e. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, while 49% of students whose parents are college graduates will themselves graduate within six years, that number drops to 15% for first-generation students.

3. Is Wikipedia a reliable source for argument-based writing in a college classroom? Why or why not? (5 pts.)
Yes and no, Wikepidia can be a good source for background knowledge on a subject. However, It's not good to take specific quotes or information from a Wiki page without checking other sources as well.

4. How do you know if any website is a reliable source for information, facts, statistics, etc? (5 pts.)
You can usually search the web to find if a website is reliable, also websites that end in .edu, .org, and .gov are usually very reliable.

5. Write two survey questions on a contemporary issue. Word the questions in such a way as to evoke opposite responses to the same basic question. (Another wording of this question can be found in the "Respond" on pg. 66. Don't use the same example given in the chapter -- come up with a different issue/questions.) (5 pts.)

Do you support gun control?

Do you think abortion should be illegal?

Don't You Wish You Had Swished? Ad Thesis Final


                                                               Don’t you wish you had swished?

                We've all experienced it before, we’ll cover your mouth, look for gum, and sometimes avoid talking all together. Everyone knows how dreadful bad breath can be, and according to this ad, Listerine mouthwash can offer us an alternative to hiding our bad breath. This ad uses a variety of techniques to try and persuade potential buyers into purchasing this brand of mouthwash. This ad uses humor and irony and also addresses people’s sense of pathos and ethos. It takes a somewhat serious situation, and puts a humorous spin on it. All in all, this Listerine ad, by using humor, is selling fresh breath and good health.

                The ad, which appeared in a magazine, shows a man in an ambulance accompanied by an ambulance crew. The man is strapped into a stretcher in is obviously injured. He seems to be either unconscious or delirious, because of the way his head is turned, his eyes are closed, and his mouth is wide open facing the EMT workers. This is where the twist comes in. Instead of administering medicine, or care to the injured man, the two workers are trying to put as much space between him and themselves as possible. Their faces are turned in utter disgust and they are, instead of administering an oxygen mask to the injured man, holding oxygen masks to their own faces. The Listerine logo appears in the bottom right corner accompanied by the catchy phrase, “Don’t you wish you had swished?” This implies that the man’s breath smelt bad and was preventing him from getting the help he required.

                The scene that this ad takes place in does a very good job of grabbing people’s attention. Ambulance scenes are often very sad and grab at people’s sense of pathos. A reader could put themselves in the man’s position or a similar one, and imagine how terrible it would be if it happened to them. All the injured man had to do was swish with mouthwash and he could have had the care he needed. Readers will take this into consideration, and realize how important having fresh breath is, and see that how bad breath not only affects oral health, but overall health as well. People take their health very seriously, and don’t take risks when it comes to health care. This ad really takes advantage of this fact and tries to sell readers good health. If you have fresh breath, which is obtainable by swishing with Listerine, then nothing will stand in the way of you and health care.

                Even though the scene of this ad is very serious, what is taking place in the ad is very ironic and humorous. The injured man who is strapped in the stretcher is very funny looking. He has long hair which is messy, and looks delirious and somewhat crazy. In addition to the man, the EMT workers are very humorous and ironic as well. Instead of helping the man, they are trying to escape from his breath. It’s very ironic that instead of helping the man, they are administering oxygen to themselves. Both expressions that the EMT workers are making are also very humorous. The utter disgust on their faces is the best part of the ad in my opinion. Listerine knows that humor is what helps sell, and take advantage of this by creating a very funny ad.

It is a commonly known fact that swishing with mouthwash kills the germs that cause bad breath. The mouthwash company Listerine isn’t trying to just sell you mouthwash, they are trying to sell you an idea so that you go out and buy their brand of mouthwash. The idea they are selling you, despite the ad, is fresh smelling breath.  Many people deal with the frustrations and effects of bad breath every day, and the ad takes advantage of this. When buying Listerine mouthwash, not only are you buying a mouthwash, you are buying yourself fresh smelling breath.

All in all, this ad uses irony, humor, and pathos to sell people good health and fresh breath. The seriousness of the ambulance scene and the ironic and humorous characters draw in readers and persuades them to buy this product to avoid situations like this one. Everyone hates having bad breath, and no one would want to put their own health in jeopardy just because they didn’t swish with mouthwash.